
Flight Scheduling

Our club exclusively manages aircraft scheduling via Flight Circle, our dedicated flight scheduling service. Visit Additionally, we make use of its electronic dispatch and check-in functionalities. Members are required to log their flights using either their smartphone or the FBO computer. Paying for the flight time is also completed though Flight Circle via credit card only.

View a presentation of how to use Flight Circle here –> Flight Circle_Flight Scheduling and Dispatch.v2

Operating Rules

The Operating Rules establish the club practices, procedures, and rules. Please visit BEFC Operation Rules to view the operational rules and the details on changing reservations, penalties/fines, dealing with inclement weather or repairs, and responsibilities for costs and securing the airplane while operating away from the home airport.

A quick summary is as follows:

  • A member may have no more than 8 hours of prime time hours scheduled at any given time. Prime time is defined as week days from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm and weekends & Boeing holidays 8:00 am to 8:00 pm).
  • No reservations are allowed further out than 6 months
  • A member may have up to two extended cross country trips planned at any given time.